Adobe January at Adobe TechCom
There are no unreachable goals.
News of the month:
We launched a digital campaign on for technical writers who want a more powerful authoring tool than Word. There are also a lot of conversations on social platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) on the same subject - search for #WriteRight to join the conversation!
Useful assets on the microsite. Sign-up will be needed for accessing some of these (Ouch!):
TechComm experts on what makes FrameMaker a better tool for technical writers
Join the social chatter and contribute your own thoughts
The 'Savings calculator' to find how much you can save by switching from Word to FrameMaker
(Psst! Download it as an XLS file and email it to your manager!)
White papers like
A Word and FrameMaker feature comparison guide
How to plan and execute the enterprise migration from Word to FrameMaker
A defense manufacturer's account of the top 10 reasons why they migrated from
Word to FrameMaker
Webinars of the month:
Cognitive design for user assistance by Ray Gallon: parts one, two and three
DITA specialization by Tom Aldous: parts one and two
Thinking outside the standards box: when custom structure works best by Dustin Vaughn:
parts one and two
PDF collaborative reviews using FrameMaker 11 for In-Country Review (ICR) by ENLASO
Blogs of the month:
The 'top 10 of 2012' series for webinars, whitepapers and blogs
Publish your DITA content in FrameMaker 11 with the DITA OTK by product manager
Kapil Verma
Part 1 and part 2 of the "Why upgrade from FrameMAker 7.X to 11" series
Vikram Verma joined as the product manager for RoboHelp and the TechComm Suite. His introductory blog and his first post on the multiscreen HTML5 publishing.
Happy February!
Team TechComm @ Adobe
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