Adobe January at Adobe TechCom
There are no unreachable goals.
Hello everyone,

Hope you had a rocking February! Here's a summary of what we had to offer the market in terms of content through the month. In case you, a friend or a colleague missed out on a anything useful / important, we hope this list proves to be a useful reckoner.
News of the month:
FrameMaker 11 won the 2013 SIIA CODiE Award for Best Solution for Integrating Content into the Workflow! This award is a notable achievement and also a final validation for the long list of positive comments and independent reviews from some of the best known thought leaders in the techcomm and content space. We thank all our customers, partners and teams that have helped shape FrameMaker
over the years!

Also, our #WriteRight campaign went further with the addition of the "How to harass your manager" video. We made it especially for those who want to tell their managers that the right tool for their job may not be Word.
Some features you must try out (we insist)!
Add your comments on the Word Versus Frame conversation here
The 'Savings calculator' to find how much you can save by switching from Word to FrameMaker (Psst! Download it as an XLS file and email it to your manager!)
This fun quiz which tells you your affinity score for FrameMaker
Webinars of the month:
Maxwell Hoffmann's FrameMaker 11 series for Word users
Converting Word docs to FrameMaker
Tables, tabs, global cautions and warnings
Page layout, anchored frames and rich graphics
Optimizing unstructured FrameMaker documents for translation/localization
Introduction to CSS in RoboHelp by Neil Perlin
Tammy Halter of ADG from Australia explains the top 10 reasons listed by a defence manufacturer for moving from Word to FrameMaker
Blogs of the month:
HTML5 publishing series post #2: creating multiscreen HTML5 output using RoboHelp 10 by product manager, Vikram Verma
Cognitive Design And User Assistance by Ray Gallon
Changing the Engine without Stopping the Car Part 1 and Part 2 by Jang Graat
Maxwell Hoffmann's Frame versus Word blog series:
Autonumbered paragraphs and prefixes
Page headers and footers
Page Layout and master pages
Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 on reasons to move from FrameMaker 7.X to 11
We hope you have a fun and exciting March!
Team TechComm @ Adobe
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