News of the month
Webinar Recordings of the Month
Highlights of Upcoming Webinars
New Videos on AdobeTV
Blogs of the month
White Papers
Happy Halloween
Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a wonderful October! Here's a summary of what we had to offer to the
Tech Comm community last month. In case you, a friend or a colleague missed out on anything useful or important, we hope this will serve as a ready reference.
News of the month
October News of the Month:
October provided a bountiful harvest of blogs, webinars and videos from Adobe TCS. We have fewer entries than normal this month due to several days on the road with conferences, (it seems that October is always the busiest month). We think you will be pleased with what we have to offer however.

Highlights of our activity included sponsorship and presentations at the Lavacon Conference in Portland, Oregon and WritersUA East in Providence, Rhode Island. Adobe TCS held a major event, "Adobe Day", Sunday October 20th, to kick off Lavacon. You can read our blog with links to presenters’ slides at: Adobe Day and Lavacon Highlights
1. Adobe announces the future release plan for Tech Comm products
2. Partnering with Educational Institutions
I. Austin Community College
II. Metropolitan State University
III. Purdue School of Engineering and Technology
IV. University of Alabama in Huntsville
V. Seneca College
Webinar Recordings
October Webinar Recordings of the Month:
1. Advanced RoboHelp Sess 2) Master Pages and Customized Skins
2. Sess 11) FrameMaker for Word: Time-saving Short Cuts Working with DITA/XML
3. Sess 3) FrameMaker 11 and the Power of XML: Deep Dive into XSLT and XPath
4. P&P Sess 3) The Policies & Procedures Market Place – Emerging Trends and Predictions
5. Anchors Away! Everything you didn't know about FrameMaker graphics
6. Advanced FrameMaker Sess 3) Format Rules from the EDD for XML
7. Advanced RoboHelp Sess 3) Optimize Search, Keywords, Glossaries and more
8. Using Unstructured FrameMaker with Adobe Illustrator
9. Crossing Boundaries: Sess 3) Consumers become Producers
10. 1) EXPLORE TCS4: Boring Be Gone! Add Interactive eLearning to Your Help Systems
Highlights of Recorded and Scheduled Webinars for November
Note: If the date of the webinar has already passed when you read this, look for the recording at:
1. November 7, Neil Perlin covers Advanced RoboHelp with:
ADV ROBOHELP 1): Setting your help hooks: Context sensitivity in RoboHelp
2. November 12, Neil Perlin returns to Advanced RoboHelp with:
ADV ROBOHELP 2): From one, many: Single sourcing in RoboHelp
3. November 22, Neil Perlin concludes his Advanced RoboHelp series with:
ADV ROBOHELP 3): Like beads on a string: Structured topic-based authoring in RoboHelp
4. November 11, Kevin Siegel of ICONLOGIC continues his 3-part series on Tech Comm Suite with:
2) EXPLORE TCS4: FrameMaker to RoboHelp to eBook... Oh My!
5. December 6, Kevin Siegel concludes his series with:
3) EXPLORE TCS4: Create Engaging, Interactive PDFs Using Adobe Captivate and Adobe FrameMaker
6. November 13, Bernard Aschwanden starts a 3-part series with:
Sess 1) Beyond Printed Pages: Enhanced PDF from FrameMaker- Review, Multimedia & More
7. November 25, Bernard Aschwanden continues his 3-part series with:
Sess 2) Bring Procedures & Tasks to Life: Mixing FrameMaker & Captivate for Fun & Profit
8. December 3, Bernard Aschwanden concludes his 3-part series with:
Sess 3) Deliver the Goods: Extract Every Bit of Value from FrameMaker via RoboHelp
9. November 20, Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo continue their 5-part series with:
Crossing Boundaries: Sess 4) Your Most Important Stakeholder: Your customers
10. December 12, Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo conclude their 5-part series with:
Session 5) The End of the Job Ethos: Blending professional and private activity
11. November 21, Barb Binder returns for a final session on FrameMaker with:
Using Unstructured FrameMaker and Adobe Acrobat
Live Videos
New Videos on AdobeTV
1. ROBOHELP 10: Collapse and Expand with DHTML
2. ROBOHELP 10: Adding Book and Topic to TOC
3. ROBOHELP 10: Organizing Projects with Folders
4. ROBOHELP 10: Auto-Generate a TOC
5. ROBOHELP 10: See Also Keywords
6. ROBOHELP 10: Add Custom Search Terms
7. ROBOHELP 10: Adding Glossary Terms
8. ROBOHELP 10: Using the Glossary Hotspot Wizard
9. FrameMaker and Word: Change View Options for All Files in Book
10. FrameMaker and Word: Selecting XML Elements
11. FrameMaker and Word: Anchored Frames in Outer Margins
12. FrameMaker and Word: Time-saving Cross Reference Tricks
13. FrameMaker and Word: Table Title and Pagination Options
14. FrameMaker and Word: Controlling line breaks, hyphenation
15. FrameMaker and Word: Special Characters in Dialogue Boxes
16. FrameMaker and Word: Numbered Paragraph SUFFIX
17. FrameMaker and Word: Controlling Capitalization
Blogs of the month
October Blogs of the Month
1. Guest Blog: How to resolve Present Tense vs. Future Tense in Policies & Procedures?
2. #writeright 26) FrameMaker & Word: XML Element Selection & Cross Ref time savers
3. #writeright 27) FrameMaker & Word: Anchored Frames in Outer Margins
4. FrameMaker and the Power of XML: XSLT, XPath and more
5. 7 Principles for Designing Help Topics in the Age of the Web
6. The Connected Body, Guest Post by Ray Gallon
7. Guest Blog: Policies and Procedures Marketplace: Emerging Trends, Predictions
8. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 18: See Also and Custom Search
9. AdobeDay and Lavacon 2013 Highlights
10. #writeright 28) FrameMaker & Word: Line Breaks and Special Characters
11. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 19: Glossary Terms and Hotspot Wizard
12. #writeright 29) FrameMaker & Word: Autonumber paragraph suffixes and change Capitalization
13. Guest Blog: Matt Sullivan on ePubs Tips n’ Tricks
14. Discover your own XML savings in our November 5 "ROI Calculator" Webinar
White Papers
Latest Whitepapers from Adobe Tech Comm
1. "Adobe FrameMaker 11: My Students’ Favorite Features" by Barbara Binder
2. "Ten Reasons to Structure Your Content" by Scott P. Abel and Emma C. Hamer
3. "The Changing Nature of Content" by Ellis Pratt
4. "Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology" by Ellis Pratt
5. "Changing Paradigms in Technology and Communication" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
6. "Crossing Boundaries: Implications for the Content Industries" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
7. "Separation of Content and Form" by Tony Self
We hope you have a fun and exciting November!
Team TechComm @ Adobe

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