News of the month
Webinar Recordings of the Month
Highlights of Upcoming Webinars
New Videos on AdobeTV
Blogs of the month
White Papers
Happy Friendship Day
Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a wonderful September! Here's a summary of what we had to offer to the
Tech Comm community last month. In case you, a friend or a colleague missed out on anything useful or important, we hope this will serve as a ready reference.
News of the month
September News of the Month:
September was a busy month here at Adobe Tech Comm. We participated in the CIDM conference in Savannah, Georgia, as well as providing presentations and demonstrations at ISTC’s TCUK conference in Bristol, UK.
1. Adobe day @ LavaCon 2013
Make sure you register for our free ‘Adobe Day’ of Thought Leadership (and no demos) to be held at the Portland Hilton, Oregon on Sunday October 20th.
2. Adobe announces the future release plan for Tech Comm products
3. Partnering with Educational Institutions
I. Austin Community College
II. Metropolitan State University
III. Purdue School of Engineering and Technology
IV. University of Alabama in Huntsville
V. Seneca College
Webinar Recordings
September Webinar Recordings of the Month:
1. Advanced RoboHelp Sess 2) Master Pages, Frames and Framesets
2. Sess 11) FrameMaker for Word: Time-saving short cuts working with DITA/XML
3. Under the Hood with Structured FrameMaker 11: The EDD and its power
4. P&P Sess 2) Addressing the Debate of Future Tense in Policies & Procedures Communication
5. Optimizing the Word to FrameMaker Workflow
6. Sess 2) FrameMaker 11 and the Power of XML: Using FrameMaker XML Code View
7. Advanced FrameMaker Sess 1) Beyond Fonts and Numbering
8. Crossing Boundaries: Sess 2) Transcending time: Collaboration in the virtual age
9. Advanced RoboHelp Sess 1) Advanced tools for Navigation, Graphics and more
10. Advanced FrameMaker Sess 2) Beyond Book Building
Highlights of Recorded and Scheduled Webinars for October
Note: if the date of the webinar has already passed when you read this, look for the recording at:
1. October 8, Alan Houser concludes his 3-part series on FrameMaker and the power of XML with:
Sess 3) FrameMaker 11 and the Power of XML: Deep dive into XSLT and XPath
2. October 10, Raymond Urgo and Lightext conclude a 3-part series on P&P with:
P&P Sess 3) The Policies & Procedures Market Place – Emerging Trends and Predictions
3. October 11, Maxwell Hoffmann does a deep dive into a FrameMaker feature with:
Anchors Away! Everything you didn’t know about Anchored Frames in FrameMaker
4. October 15, Maxwell Hoffmann continues Advanced FrameMaker with:
Advanced FrameMaker Sess 3) Format Rules from the EDD for XML
5. October 16, Maxwell Hoffmann invites you to share your XML metrics with:
Calculate your way to structured savings with Adobe’s ROI XML Calculator
6. October 18, Maxwell Hoffmann concludes the 3-part series on Advanced RoboHelp with:
Advanced RoboHelp Sess 3) Optimize SEO, Keywords, Glossaries and more
7. October 24, Barb Binder returns to exploration of FrameMaker in Tech Comm Suite with:
Using Unstructured FrameMaker with Adobe Illustrator
Live Videos
New Videos on AdobeTV
1. FrameMaker for Word: Calculate Sidehead Savings
2. FrameMaker for Word: Insert Landscape Pages Next to Numbered Headings
3. FrameMaker and DITA: Determine FrameMaker Savings with ROI Calculator
4. FrameMaker and DITA: EDD Format Rules mirror Paragraph Designer
5. FrameMaker for WORD: Chained para styles for catalogs
6. FrameMaker for WORD: "Dictionary" Page Header/Footers
7. FrameMaker and WORD: Table Resize Column Options
8. FrameMaker and WORD: Row Format & Vertical Alignment
9. FrameMaker and WORD: Find Specific Text Format Overrides
10. FrameMaker and WORD: Shrinkwrap for "autosized" anchored frames
11. FrameMaker and WORD: Convert Word Graphics to Referenced via Smart Paste
12. FrameMaker and WORD: Auto-restart Numbered Lists after Headings
13. FrameMaker and WORD: Change View Options for all files in Book
14. ROBOHELP 10: Formatting RH List Numbers from Linked FM Files
15. ROBOHELP 10: Previewing and Applying Skins
16. ROBOHELP 10: Collapse and Expand with DHTML
17. ROBOHELP 10: Organizing Projects with Folders
18. ROBOHELP 10: Adding Book and Topic to TOC
19. ROBOHELP 10: Auto-Generate a TOC
Blogs of the month
September Blogs of the Month
1. Back-to-School: Advanced FrameMaker 3-part webinar series
2. “FrameMaker for Word Users” Round Up: Collected Blogs and videos
3. Back-to-School: Advanced RoboHelp 3-part webinar series
4. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 13: Formatting RH List Numbers from Linked FM Files
5. Adobe Day Oct 20: Ideas “bloom” in City of Roses (Portland)
6. Adobe Technical Communication Products – Next release plan
7. FrameMaker and DITA: Determine FrameMaker Savings with ROI Calculator
8. #writeright 21) FrameMaker and Word: Convert Word Graphics to Referenced via Smart Paste
9. #writeright 22) FrameMaker & Word: Auto-restart Numbered Lists after Headings
10. #writeright 23) FrameMaker & Word: Change View Options for all files in Book
11. #writeright 24) FrameMaker & Word: Table Columns and Rows
12. #writeright 25) FrameMaker & Word: Autosize Anchored Frames & Find Specific Fonts
13. WHITE PAPER: Ten reasons to structure your content
14. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 14: Previewing and Applying Skins
15. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 15: Collapse and Expand with DHTML
16. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 16: Organizing Projects with Folders
17. RoboHelp 10 Featurette Video, part 17: Creating and modifying a TOC
18. WHITE PAPER: FrameMaker 11, My Students’ Favorite Features
White Papers
Latest Whitepapers from Adobe Tech Comm
1. "Adobe FrameMaker 11: My Students’ Favorite Features" by Barbara Binder
2. "Ten Reasons to Structure Your Content" by Scott P. Abel and Emma C. Hamer
3. "The Changing Nature of Content" by Ellis Pratt
4. "Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology" by Ellis Pratt
5. "Changing Paradigms in Technology and Communication" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
6. "Crossing Boundaries: Implications for the Content Industries" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
7. "Separation of Content and Form" by Tony Self
We hope you have a fun and exciting October!
Team TechComm @ Adobe

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