- Sess 1) Beyond the Wizard: Editing HTML5 Layouts for RoboHelp 11
Guest Willamm van Weelden joined us from the Netherlands to go beyond the icon-driven wizard, showing how to change and test HTML and CSS directly
- Sess 2) Using RoboHelp to Promote Clear Thinking
Beth Tanner and Shelley Bates of Tanner Services Corp sign in from Tennessee to share lessons in strategic thinking
- Sullivan Sess 1: Top 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Tech Comm Toolkit
Guest Matt Sullivan broadcasts from beautiful Orange County, California, to guide you through critical factors to ensure that you can select a “future-proof” publishing solution.
- Bernard Aschwanden Sess 1) Easy Steps to Convert Your Content to Structure
A highly instructive session from Canada’s Smarter’s Bernard Aschwanden touches on every component required to set up Structured FrameMaker, and then begin a simple conversion process for typical legacy content. Sample files are available upon request.
- Sess 2) Beyond the Wizard: Editing HTML5 Layouts for RoboHelp 11
Willam van Weelden returns for a second session, demonstrating how iterative editing and testing of HTML, viewed with the Chrome Browser can lead to stunning results you can import back into RoboHelp. Sample files are available for your hands-on.
- Towards Successful Localization via FrameMaker with XML & Other Strategies
Diana Ballard and Carlotta Bulgarelli joined us from the UK and Italy to demonstrate a stark contrast in cost savings with two case studies; a FrameMaker 7.2 Structured file project and a recent project with XML/DITA produced from FrameMaker 12 which virtually eliminated post-translation DTP costs. A thorough analysis of the entire localization workflow followed.
- "Walk the Tree" in XML FrameMaker with ExtendScript
There is far more than meets the eye with what this simple title implies. Globally renowned FrameMaker and XML maven, Chris Despopoulos, joins us from the North coast of Spain to clarify every aspect of XML “trees” with nodes, branches, parents, siblings. Then he shows step by step how you can craft a “one-size-fits-all” ExtendScript that will accomplish potent tasks that could take hours with "naked" FrameMaker. All of the work is done for you! A Pod in the recording will let you download and explore every file that Chris demonstrates.
- TechWhirl Fast 5: Overcoming Fears for Migrating for XML/DITA for Technical Documentation
Usually our Tech Comm Evangelist, Maxwell Hoffmann, plays hosts in our own eSeminars. In this event he is the guest for a lively one hour interview with TechWhirl's Al Martine and Connie Giordino. Not only can you see Maxwell (avoiding eye contact due to highly reflective transitions glasses) but on request he shares the story of 1954’s most popular Bridal Registry "Mad Men" pattern, Starburst by Franciscan. Parallels to changes in Tech Comm ensue.

- 4-part series: Ingredients for TechComm Success with Guest Matt Sullivan continues
- 4-part series on Multi-channel Publishing with Guest Bernard Aschwanden continues
- Sep 30:
Sess 2) Best Practices when Creating Interactive Video Tutorial
Note:be sure to consult the special blog that includes links to surveys and more to prepare you for this dynamic glimpse of the future.
- Oct 28:
Sess 3) Multi-channel Publishing of DITA Content with the RIGHT Appearance
- Nov 7:
Sess 4) XML Authoring Made Easy, OR It's Not Just For Geeks Anymore
- Sep 30:
- 4x Series: Tech Challenges: Surfing and Diving Deep
Guests: Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo - Sep 29:
Aerospace Case Study: How FrameMaker 12 found missing commas & dead frogs
John Smart of Smart SW shares lessons from how FrameMaker improved airline safety - Oct 2:
Transitioning from unstructured Frame to DITA and XML Author 12, using Stilo Migrate
Les Burnham & Helen St. Denis of STILO - Oct 7:
FrameMaker 12 & S1000D: Modular Tech Authoring for Defense, Aerospace & Aviation
Tammy Halter of ADG - Oct 21:
Foolproof Automated, Collaborative Publishing via PADS & FM Publishing Server
Ben Slone & Brad Anderson of Finite Matters Limited - Dec 10:
Publishing XML from FrameMaker 12 to a "state-of-the-art" HTML5 eReader
Don Stolee of eGloo shares an astonishingly powerful eReader for HTML5, ideally suited for airlines and other regulated industries.

Adobe FrameMaker XML Author 12 (FMXA)
- FMXA: Save as PDF for Print sans Watermark
- FMXA: User Structure View Drag n’ Drop for auto-formatting
- FMXA: Drag Elements sans Structure View for Auto Formatting
- FMXA: Drag n' Drop Table Rows into Header Rows w. Auto Formatting
- FMXA: Smart Paste from Word into DITA with FM XML Author
- FMXA: Filter Element Catalog choices for Insert Element via Keybd Shortcuts
- 1. Structured Migration Strategy with FrameMaker, Part 1: Background
- 2. Structured Migration Strategy with FrameMaker, Part 2: Specific Steps
- 3. Structured Migration Strategy with FrameMaker, Part 3: Benefits
- 4. Squeeze FrameMaker to the last drop with ExtendScript
- 5. Preview of Late Summer Webinars
- 6. Sess 1) Beyond WebHelp: Editing HTML5 layouts in RoboHelp 11
- 7. Digital Reality – Escape to a Virtual World or Explore an Augmented Culture?
- "Reducing Translation and Publishing Costs" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "The Hitchhikers Guide to XML Authoring" by Chris Despopoulos
- "FrameMaker 12 vs. Word 2012 – For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "FrameMaker 12 vs. InDesign CS6 – For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "Database Publishing with Adobe FrameMaker" by Tammy Halter
- "Ten Reasons to Structure Your Content" by Scott P. Abel and Emma C. Hamer
- "The Changing Nature of Content" by Ellis Pratt
- "Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology" by Ellis Pratt
- "Changing Paradigms in Technology and Communication" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
- "Crossing Boundaries: Implications for the Content Industries" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
- "Separation of Content and Form" by Tony Self