News of the month
Webinar Recordings of the Month
Highlights of Upcoming Webinars
New Videos on AdobeTV
Blogs of the month
White Papers
International Women's Day
Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a wonderful March! Here's a summary of what we had to offer to the Tech Comm community in the last month. In case you, a friend or a colleague missed out on anything useful or important, we hope this will serve as a ready reference.
News of the month
March News of the Month:
In our first weeks after our late January product launch, we had a number of new videos, webinars and blogs that provide useful information. As a reminder, you can find links to our
new products in the links below:
1. Technical Communication Suite 5
2. RoboHelp 11
3. FrameMaker 12
4. FrameMaker XML Author 12
5. FrameMaker Publishing Server 12
Check Out Our New Campaign Microsites: Get all the information you need on XML authoring. Find out if you are using the right tool for technical documentation.
Follow our upcoming calendar closely as we will soon be adding a number of exciting partner sessions to showcase new functionality!
Our Adobe TCS team spoke at two conferences since our last newsletter, Intelligent Content Conference in San Jose and also at WritersUA in Palm Springs. Check out our Facebook page for photo albums from these and other events.
Watch for upcoming presentations by Product Evangelist Maxwell Hoffmann at STC Spectrum in Rochester, NY (April 14) and also members of our product management staff at STC Summit in Phoenix in mid-May.
Webinar Recordings
March Webinar Recordings of the Month:
FrameMaker case study: Building Global Content Collaboration at LSI Corporation
RoboHelp 11 Solution #1) HTML5 Responsive Layout
FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 1): Dramatic UI improvements
RoboHelp 11 Solution #2) Cloud Based Topic Sharing
FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 2): 12 New Templates with Hidden Power!
RoboHelp 11 Sess 1) HTML5 Single Source vs. Responsive Layout
RoboHelp 11 Solution #3) Branding Corporate Print Documentation
FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 3): FrameMaker XML Author 12
RoboHelp 11 Sess 2) New Layout Editor for Responsive Layout
FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 4): QR Codes and Equations
RoboHelp 11 Solution #4) Integration with eLearning via Captivate 7
Upcoming Scheduled Webinars:
April 8: MathML is XML; Structured Math Authoring for FrameMaker 12
April 11: FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 5): Customizing Published Output to On-Line Formats (ePub & HTML5)
April 17: RoboHelp 11: Stacking the Deck and Using the Cloak of Invisibility
April 18: RoboHelp 11 Feature Focus: Import Captivate HTML5 Tutorials
April 23: FrameMaker 12: These are a Few of my Favorite Things ... [Barb Binder]
April 24: Get Management Onboard: Retrofitting Existing Content using RoboHelp [guest: Tanner Corporate Services]
April 29: RoboHelp 11 Feature Focus: DHTML for Sizzling Effect
Watch our calendar for upcoming sessions with Don Day, Marcia Riefer-Johnston and Ray Gallon!
Live Videos
New Videos on AdobeTV:
1. FrameMaker 12: New Templates Part 1 = Complete documents
2. FrameMaker 12: New Templates Part 2 = Paras, Tables & Object Styles for you
3. FrameMaker 12: New Templates Part 3 = Content Optimized for On-Line formats
4. FrameMaker 12: UI Improvements, icons, color & backgrounds
5. FrameMaker 12: Filter choices in catalogs and pods
6. FrameMaker 12: Restore session & open files with Drag n' Drop
7. FrameMaker XML Author 12: user interface contrast to FULL FM12
8. FrameMaker XML Author 12: Quick Element Toolbar and Review Toolbar
9. FrameMaker XML Author 12: Creating MathML Equations
10. RoboHelp 11: Reset Properties/Components in Layout Editor
11. RoboHelp 11: Importing and Exporting customized Responsive Layouts
12. RoboHelp 11: Responsive Layout Editor, Adding Logos
Blogs of the month
March Blogs of the Month
1. Introducing native multidevice publishing in FM 12 (Part 2)
2. Leveraging cloud services for collaboration in RoboHelp 11
3. RoboHelp 11 Solution #1) HTML5 Responsive Layout
4. FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 1): Dramatic UI improvements
5. RoboHelp 11 Solution #2) Cloud Based Topic Sharing
6. FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 2): 12 New Templates with Hidden Power!
7. HTML5 Sess 1) HTML5 Single Source vs. Responsive Layout
8. RoboHelp 11 Solution #3) Branding Corporate Print Documentation
9. Adobe Software Assurance: To boldly go where no support has gone before!
10. RoboHelp Server Update 9.0.1 is here!
11. FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 3): FrameMaker XML Author 12
12. AdobeTCS Calendar Collection: Monthly Resource Roundup
13. VIDEO HOW TO: Discover hidden power in 12 NEW FrameMaker 12 templates
14. 3x How to Videos on RoboHelp 11 Responsive Layout Editor
15. FrameMaker 12 Feature Focus 4): QR codes and Equations
16. RoboHelp 11 Solution #4) Integration with eLearning via Captivate 7
White Papers
Latest Whitepapers from Adobe Tech Comm
1. "Reducing Translation and Publishing Costs" by Maxwell Hoffmann
2. "The Hitchhikers Guide to XML Authoring" by Chris Despopoulos
3. "FrameMaker 12 vs. Word 2012 – For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
4. "FrameMaker 12 vs. InDesign CS6 – For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
5. "Database Publishing with Adobe FrameMaker" by Tammy Halter
6. "Ten Reasons to Structure Your Content" by Scott P. Abel and Emma C. Hamer
7. "The Changing Nature of Content" by Ellis Pratt
8. "Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology" by Ellis Pratt
9. "Changing Paradigms in Technology and Communication" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
10. "Crossing Boundaries: Implications for the Content Industries" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
11. "Separation of Content and Form" by Tony Self
We hope you have a fun and exciting April!
Team TechComm @ Adobe

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