- Become a "black belt" with FrameMaker cross-references
- Meet FrameMaker XML Author 12!
- Bernard Sess 1: Advanced Template Tips in Regular and XML FrameMaker
- Bernard Sess 2: Strategies for Publishing Rich Media to Print & Mobile
- I had no idea RoboHelp could do THAT! (Round 2)
- Keeping it Clean - Ways to Streamline Content in RoboHelp
- Just4You: Sess 1) Save Money & Time with FrameMaker vs Word
- Just4You: Sess 2) Why upgrade from FrameMaker v7.x, v8.x to FrameMaker 12?
- Just4You: Sess 3) Why upgrade from FrameMaker v9, v10 or v11 to FrameMaker 12?
- Just4You: Sess 4) XML Authoring Improvements in FrameMaker 12
- Just4You: Sess 5) Consider upgrading to RoboHelp 11

Remainder 5-part series: Everything You Need to Know About FrameMaker
featuring Bernard Aschwanden of Publishing Smarter- April 10:
- April 14,
22, 28:3x Tom Aldous Series: Author, edit and publish in the Content Era we live in
- April 23:
- April 29:
- April 30:
- May 20:
Publish FrameMaker XML to a new platform: HTML5 for a universal eReader

This month we focused on new enhancements in FrameMaker from the V12.0.3 upgrade
- FrameMaker: How to customize TOC structure
- FrameMaker: Customize Book Index structure
- FrameMaker: Using tables to alpha sort terms
- Keeping it Clean - Ways to Streamline Content in RoboHelp
- RoboHelp 10 fix for Firefox version 35 issue released
- Why FrameMaker matters for Word Users
- What's in FrameMaker 12 for users of V7.x and V8.x?
- What's in FrameMaker 12 for users of Versions 9 thru 11?
- Major XML Authoring Improvements in FrameMaker 12
- Compelling Reasons to Consider RoboHelp 11
- Promote Clear Thinking via RoboHelp
- I Didn't Know RoboHelp Could Do That!
- Beyond PDF - Move to Smaller Screens with Adobe FrameMaker 12 by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "Reducing Translation and Publishing Costs" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "The Hitchhikers Guide to XML Authoring" by Chris Despopoulos
- "FrameMaker 12 vs. Word 2012 - For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "FrameMaker 12 vs. InDesign CS6 - For Technical Documentation" by Maxwell Hoffmann
- "Database Publishing with Adobe FrameMaker" by Tammy Halter
- "Ten Reasons to Structure Your Content" by Scott P. Abel and Emma C. Hamer
- "The Changing Nature of Content" by Ellis Pratt
- "Towards an Agile Authoring Methodology" by Ellis Pratt
- "Changing Paradigms in Technology and Communication" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
- "Crossing Boundaries: Implications for the Content Industries" by Ray Gallon and Neus Lorenzo
- "Separation of Content and Form" by Tony Self