XML Documentation Add-on for Adobe Experience Manager |
The XML Documentation Add-on for Adobe Experience Manager transforms Adobe Experience Manager into a powerful Component Content Management System (CCMS) for DITA content. It empowers authors to create content using any offline DITA authoring tool, such as Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release), or an easy-to-use built-in web editor. The solution provides all core Component Content Management System (CCMS) functions, such as collaboration, review, approval, translation, search, and reports.Learn more |
Customer Story: IAR Systems |
Global provider of embedded-systems software revamps content management repository using Adobe FrameMaker to gain efficiences, produce more content faster, and add value to product line. |
Adobe RoboHelp (2015 release)
– Update 3 released |
Check out what's new in Update 3 of RoboHelp (2015 Release) |
Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release)
– Update 4 released |
Check out what's new in Update 4 of FrameMaker (2015 Release) |
Adobe RoboHelp Server 10 |
Adobe RoboHelp Server 10 extends the capabilities of Adobe RoboHelp and Adobe FrameMaker. Merge multiple segments of Help content, including responsive HTML5 content, into a unified information system. Host it for anytime, anywhere, any device access. Optimize content with extensive analytics on usage. Manage user authentication, and take advantage of simplified deployment and configuration |
STC Summit 2016 |
Adobe was again the Platinum Sponsor at the STC Summit 2016 in Anaheim, California, and present with several well received presentations. On the day before the summit we hosted the Adobe Day with four knowledge-packed certificate workshops. Missed it? See the STC Summit 2016 video here. |
LavaCon Dublin and Las Vegas |
Adobe was exclusive Diamond Sponsor at the first LavaCon in Europe – LavaCon Dublin 2016 in Ireland. And we will also be Diamond Sponsor at LavaCon 2016 in Las Vegas in October.